Are you looking for a planner that's all your own? A planner that you can personalize however you like, starting with the cover, to the text and content inside? Look no further then
Plum Paper specializes in having their customers satisfied with original paper products their consumers call their own! Come check out their variety of products they have to offer, including planners, stickers, note pads, interchangeable covers, and much more! I was so excited to receive my very own personalized planner. The steps to create my planner were very simple and didn't take long. I got to choose the cover from a very large variety of options. Then I was able to choose the text for the cover, which I loved to put my name and school year. Did I mention I even was able to put an adorable quote on the front cover as well? That's right! I included checklist pages, note pages, to-do list pages, and stickers as accessories for my planner. When you choose a planner, you have the option to decide what type of planner you are looking for. I chose the "Large Teacher Planner." This was perfect to use in planning for my classes and making sure I am on top of my teaching schedule! They are not only amazing planners, but the price tag is very reasonable and well worth it. I recommend this company, and you should too! Check them out here!
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