
Bekah Shepard/ Alisa Hurley

Our Adventures!

DIY Time!

Friday, July 14, 2017

The Learning Journey: Techno Gears Bionic Bug

Are you looking for educational toys that are designed to promote different learning abilities and are age appropriate? Look no further than The Learning Journey Company.
This site includes toys that are focused for the specific age groups Early (0-3), Preschool (3-6), and School Years (6+). As a teacher and mother of two, I was so excited to stumble upon this store. Their products are perfect for all my needs, whether I need something for my students or my kids. They have it all including puzzles, blocks, interactive play and more! I had the pleasure of having my daughter try out the Techno Gears Bionic Bug. She is a huge fan of building things and using her brain to follow steps in creating something fun! This was absolutely perfect for her and I to do together. Playing with this educational toy, I was able to encourage her engineering and architectural skills, ultimately creating a fun learning experience. Did I mention that the directions were easy to follow and read? That’s right! This toy was perfect for a preschooler, especially one who can get frustrated at times. Don’t think twice. Check out their store here. You’ll be happy you did!