My daughter ran to me one day and begged “Mom. I want ABCmouse! My friends have it. I want it!” I told her that I would do more research and see what I think. Boy am I glad I took the time to look at their website! They provided all the answers to my questions, whether it was “What curriculum do they use?” to “What subjects are covered?” After looking at the website, I felt very comfortable with the learning that would take place. As a teacher myself, this meant a lot to me. There are so many “so-called learning sites” out there. The ones that make you pay a hefty fee for educational games that could be done free through other sites. ABCmouse.com is original. You can definitely tell that the creators took their time in mastering the educational games, artwork, dialogue, etc. In other words, they are absolutely amazing to come up with such a fun and interactive website for younger kids! Why does having an ABCmouse.com subscription so amazing you say? Here are some of the reasons. First off, it provides you with a quick and efficient setup with just a few easy steps (entering name, email, payment information, etc.). They give you easy to read/listen instructions to get started. Once you have finished those steps, then it’s basically up to your child, or yourself, to decide where to start. As you can see by the pictures, Aliya was overjoyed and totally attentive (eyes glued to the screen) to the program. We had her first take the assessment to see where she is currently at in her learning. I loved how it gave you a very detailed summary of her strengths and areas that she should focus on. The website even has a learning path with specific and focused lessons! It allows your child to go through a step-by step learning platform that goes through specific areas/goals that should be learned based on their cognitive-developmental stage. Once the child has finished the lesson correctly, then he/she may move onto the next lesson. In over a week, Aliya has seen so much growth! She knows more letter sounds and even can identify/read some sight words! I am ecstatic to find out what she will learn in a month! You can sign up for equal monthly installments, pay for a full year, or give as a gift. With such a great price and being a fun interactive learning tool, what more could you ask for in a website? For me, this is all I need to help my child grow academically and become prepared for Kindergarten! Order your subscription here.