
Bekah Shepard/ Alisa Hurley

Our Adventures!

DIY Time!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Simply Earth-Essential Oil Recipe Box

Before I found out about Simply Earth, I was a mom who was worn out, tired, and grouchy. Did I mention I was also a non-essential oil “believer?” Yeah. Can you believe it?!
I used to always think that, “They don’t do anything, it’s just a gimmick.” Boy was I absolutely WRONG! My husband and I first tried “Peace and Quiet.” There are not enough words to describe the aroma and calming feelings we endured when dropped some in my oil diffuser. It was as if I was relaxing on a bed of roses, listening to nature sounds and smelling all things beautiful found in nature. This stuff actually works! What comes in this monthly box you say? It came with four different essential oils: ginger, peace and quiet, orange, and amyris. They all smell AMAZING! There were also other items, like a spray bottle, some clear liquid to make homemade hand sanitizer, and some easy to make recipes! I especially loved the hand sanitizer recipe. All of their products are all natural and made with love for the environment. What more could you ask for? Oh there is more for sure! Did I mention Simply Earth sponsors an important cause? That’s right! They help fight to END human trafficking. Did you know that the average age of a person forced into human trafficking is 13? That is unbearably sad and Simply Earth wants to do something about it! They donate 13% of their profits to these organizations:Bombay Teen Challenge, Love Does, The Hope Project, Exploit No More, Nightlight International, 5 Stones, A21; and of course to their own business platform that ultimately helps raise awareness for human trafficking. This company provides a great deal for products that actually work and make you feel good. I I love this company so much that I decided to become an ambassador for them! I want to spread the word of how awesome their products are and what good they are doing for our planet Earth. Don’t hesitate and order your own box; or better yet, get a subscription! To order click here and enter BEKAHSHEPARDFREE! Don’t think, just click, buy, and get ready to relax while helping to save lives…