
Bekah Shepard/ Alisa Hurley

Our Adventures!

DIY Time!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Cozy Pouch- Welcome to Mimi Paper Doll Set

Have you been searching for an activity your child can use to explore their imagination without breaking the bank? Well Cozy Pouch is a perfect solution to a child’s boredom.
Did I mention that its perfect for travel or on-the-go too? That’s right. The backstory behind this creative toy revolves around a little girl. Mimi is the doll’s name. She wants to be played with by young children around the world, but needs to be taken care of. Water can ruin her play house as well as bending, so make sure to be extra careful. This set is absolutely adorable! It comes with a variety of different play backgrounds, six in total (including one in the tub, living room and outside). This paper doll set is perfect for children because it requires no mess, no small pieces that could get lost, no cutting, and easy to wipe clean! What more could you want? My daughter has a huge imagination and just adores playing with dolls. When I showed her this play set she immediately began playing with Mimi! You can order your own Mimi’s Paper Doll set here for the reasonable price of $10.49!