
Bekah Shepard/ Alisa Hurley

Our Adventures!

DIY Time!

Monday, November 20, 2017


Simple and Easy
Are you tired of fussing over your Christmas tree lights during the holidays? Isn't it a pain to unplug all the lights, bending over your tree or other holiday decor? Well, I have got a solution for you! Treemote has got you covered!
I know during the holidays, it can get rough, busy and stressful... But why not buy a product that can take some of that stress and shove it somewhere else?! Treemote will be your saving grace! That's right! "With your Treemote you don’t have to worry about crawling in and around your tree trying to plug it in, potentially knocking it over. With the press of a button, Treemote allows you to effortlessly turn your tree on and off in comfort." But wait... It doesn't have to be used just for your tree. You can use it all year round, or for other decor that could use the simplicity of a remote. I am so honored to test out Treemote, that I had to use it right away. I use it to plug in all my little houses in my miniature Christmas village. With just a click of the remote, I can turn it on and off! Such a relief to not have to turn on all 5 of my houses. It's that SIMPLE, EASY, and AFFORDABLE! With just $19.99 you can get your very own Treemote or a case of 12 for just $227.99. What a great savings! Buy online or at most big retail stores like Home Depot or Walmart. You will be glad you took that plunge for a more relaxing holiday!

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